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Track the Stars TTS-160 Panther Head Complete, 2 x 8kg Weights - 22-30kg Capacity

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Configurable telescope mount system

The TTS-160 Panther telescope mount head is the heart of the highly flexible and configurable mount system. It is possible to configure mount set-ups for visual observations, long exposure astrophotography, several telescopes in parallel or a compact travel set-up. See the configuration options in the images above for details.

The mount head is typically supplied with the TTS Top Mount which uses counterweights. However if you wish to mount multiple telescopes then you can just fit the TTS Side Mount direct to the head as shown in one of the above images. You can also fit clamps to the sides of the Top Mount.

The head is normally used with the TTS Pier but if the optional TTS Tripod Adapter is used, you can also use the head with a conventional Tripod. It is a truly flexible system.

For simplification we have also list the TTS-160 Panther as a complete system. All you need to add is the counterwieght size for your application.

Alt-Az telescope mount for stability, compactness and fast setup

Professional astronomers has known for years that the most compact and stable telescope mount is the ALT-AZ configuration. Now it’s available for you too. The benefit is a mount that is stable, very compact, easy to transport, and very fast to setup.

Precise goto and tracking

The TTS-160 Panther Mount can automatically 'goto' any objects selected from the handpad or a connected PC, Ipad, Iphone, etc. Precise tracking for astrophotography with autoguiding capabilities is also possible using the rOTAtor field de-rotation accessory.

Now supplied with Nexus

The TTS-160 is now supplied with the Astro Devices Nexus II allowing for simple use with planetarium apps such as Sky Safari.

Perfect eyepiece position, no meridian flip

The Alt-Az movement pattern of the telescope mount ensures the eyepiece is always in a perfect viewing angle. This is a particualr benefit when using binoviewers or binoculars.

The mount never needs to perform a meridian flip (unlike most German Equatorial Mounts). Therefore all your installed equipment (finders, guide scopes, cameras, filter wheels …) always stays in the best position where you can easily access them and avoid cables being twisted unnecessarily. Finally keeping the optical tube assembly in the same angle minimizes the risk of destroying a good collimation of the optics by turning them upside down.

Simplicity on the outside, technology inside

All the technology and delicate working parts are sealed inside smooth anodized aluminum cylinders, so dirt, dust and moisture stay out. The streamlined, compact design also protects the mount from damage during transport or storage.

Convenient hand pad and intuitive user interface

The TTS hand controller enables easy operation – even with your gloves on! Specially designed to ensure simple operation, there is no need to search for the right button with the TTS hand controller. Roller knobs make it possible to navigate through the interface quickly. Goto function lets you track any object in the extensive object catalog.

Interface connectors

You can connect a PC via the ASCOM (LX200) compatible connector to control the mount with any astronomy software supporting the ASCOM standard. Autoguiders can be connected through the dedicated ST4 standard connector. Finally the TTS-160 Panther Mount has a connector for the addition of the optional telescope rOTAtor and a connector for the handpad.

Exact Drive – high precision tracking in a compact design

To be able to track the sky very precisely over long periods of time it is necessary to have a drive system with low and very smooth periodic error. Most high quality German equatorial mountings on the market tries to solve this problem with large diameter worm gear drives. These large diameter worm gear results in mountings that are large and heavy. For the TTS-160 Panther Az-drive we have created a drive system we call “Exact Drive”. A unique combination of a worm gear and a roller drive ensures optimal tracking performance – with lower periodic error values and no sudden changes in tracking speed. And, unlike other worm-gear drives, the TTS-160 is lighter and easier to carry.

Included Items

  • TTS-160 Mount Head
  • 2 x 8kg Weights
  • Hand Controller and Cable
  • PC / DB-9 Serial Cable
  • Power Cable with Car Accessory Plug
  • Large transport bag for mount head
  • Small transport bag for hand controller
  • TTS-160 Top Mount including fixings
  • TTS160 Pier Adapter
  • NOTE: No PSU is included


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Prices includes VAT, plus delivery
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