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Tecnosky Planet 102ED F11 Doublet APO with 2.5" Focuser

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The Tecnosky Planet 102 is an exceptional value 4" refractor offering low cost with outstanding colour correction thanks to its high F11 focal ratio and ED glass. While longer than a typical 4" APO it is actually quite light at approx 4.6kg.

It features a lightweight aluminium tube including tube rings and a dovetail. The supplied focuser is a 2.5" Rack and Pinion type with 1:10 fine focusing which is compatible with our UXF motor focus.

A 100mm scope offers significant benefits in light gathering compared to smaller scopes and together with its excellent correction, the 102/1100 offers outstanding value as it provides performance equal to or better than triplet designs of the same aperture.

This highly corrected telescope is, as its name suggests, a perfect tool for planetary observation allowing for high magnifications with minimal interferance from seeing.

Another particularly good application for this telescope is as a solar telescope. It works well with White Light options like an EMC front mounted filter or Herschel Wedge. It is ideal for Calcium wavelengths using Calcium filters / wedges and particularly the Lunt CaK Module. With a simple internal ERF like the 35nm H-Alpha, it is also perfect for use with a quality rear mounted Etalon like the Solar Spectrum Sundancer as its F11 focal ratio becomes F33 allowing excellent on band H-Alpha performance. 


Doublet air-spaced ED Apochromat

All glass surfaces are fully multi coated

Aluminum tube with Rings and Dovetail

Retractable lens hood with locking screw

2.5" Rack and Pinion Focuser. 1:10 fine focus

Adapter from 2 "to 1.25" with locking clamp brass included

No case is supplied with this scope.

Browse these categories as well: Apochromatic Refractors, Tecnosky