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Apochromatic Refractors

Apochromatic Refractors

We believe our range of apochromatic refractors is second to none. As an extry point we offer a selected range of Refractors from Italian company, Tecnosky. These comprise a mix of doublet and triplet designs that offer excellent value. At the next level we offer APM's introductory doublet and triplet telescopes. Finally when only the best will do, we are proud to offer the complete range of APM's LZOS based Refractors offering lens sizes from 100mm to 510mm and Telescope Engineering Company (TEC) Fluorite Refractors from 140mm to 250mm.

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Tecnosky 152/1200 F8 FPL-51 Triplet APO - 3.7" Focuser - AVAILABLE!

£3,299.00 *
In stock
can be shipped within 7-10 days

APM LZOS 152/1200 F7.9 Triplet APO Refractor

£10,549.00 *
In stock
can be shipped within 7-10 days

APM LZOS 152 F7.9 APO Refractor - SPECIAL OFFER - 1 ONLY!

£10,499.00 *
Normal Price £11,999.00
You save £1,500.00
In stock
can be shipped within 1-2 days
Prices includes VAT, plus delivery