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Carbon Truss Tube Classic Cassegrain with 10" Mirror.

£3,399.00 *

In stock
can be shipped within 7-10 days


PC Controlled Low Profile Focuser inc Controller with 9kg Capacity

£1,699.00 *

Not in stock

Compact scope mounted hub without focuser control

£259.00 *

In stock
can be shipped within 1-2 days

Motor Focus Kit inc Controller for the 2.5" / 3" focuser used for the APM 107, Tecnosky 100Q with clutch

£389.00 *

In stock
can be shipped within 1-2 days

Motor Focus Kit inc Controller for the 2.5" / 3" focuser used for the APM 107, Tecnosky 100Q with clutch

£609.00 *

In stock
can be shipped within 1-2 days