Excellent RIch-Field observing scope that also works very well as a Solar Scope when used with rear mounted filters.
The Tecnosky 152/900 Achromat is a 'Rich-Field' refractor offering better than normal colour correction for such a low focal ratio Achromat.
It features a collimatable cell, together with a lightweight aluminium tube including tube rings and a dovetail. The supplied focuser is a 2.5" R&P type with excellent load capacity and 1:10 fine focusing. Its surprisingly good optical performance allows it to be used for narrowband imaging when combined with a field flattener.
A particularly good application for this telescope is as a solar telescope when combined with a quality rear mounted H-Alpha filter such as one from the Solar Spectrum Range. As such it offers high resolution with relatively short focal length. For this application we recommend use with the Baader 135mm ERF and Cell. Combined with the Baader TZ-4 Telecentric this allows the system to operate at F28.7, allowing a rear mounted filter to deliver excellent contrast.
Doublet air-spaced objective in a collimated cell.
All glass surfaces are fully multi coated
Aluminum tube with internal baffles.
Retractable lens hood with locking screw
2.5" Rack and Pinion Focuser. 1:10 fine focus
Adapter from 2 "to 1.25" with locking clamp brass included
Tube rings with handle and vixen dovetail
No case is supplied with this scope.