The PlaneWave L-500 is an alt-azimuth, single-fork arm style mount that is capable of carrying a total payload of 91kg/200lbs. This mount therefore can easily carry a PlaneWave or other telescopes of significant size up to 20"
This is a package including the optional equatorial wedge which allows the mount to operate like a conventional EQ mount. However it retains the advantages of not having to use counterweights and not requiring a meridian flip. When ordering this package the latitude of the installation site must be known as the wedge is ordered with a 6 degree range that allows operation from 12-43 degrees of latitudes.
The mount combines versatility, simplicity and affordability by combining all the technology of PlaneWave's Observatory-class telescopes into a compact and stand-alone mount and is a breakthrough in mount design, specification and features for the price.
The L-500 mount uses a direct drive motor system with high resolution encoders on both the RA and DEC axes that results in zero backlash and periodic error. The mount can slew at speeds from 20 degrees to up to 50 degrees per second! It is supplied with a CDK17 style compatible clamp on the 'inside' of the 'L'. In addition a second clamp, such as the Optec 'Keller-EZ' can be mounted on the outside permitting a second telescope to be added simply.
When used in EQ mode this configuration of mount provides tracking that is free of Meridian flips enabling data gathering to be done without interruption. The dual mount arrangement provides additional flexibility in the equipment used. The mount is also essentially hollow which permits the bulk of cabling to be housed within the mount keeping things free of wires.
To enhance balance, the L series can be moved laterally so that weight is positioned over the central axis. If this cannot be done with a simple movement, then a counterweight can be added to the base.
In short the L-500 is an excellent choice for a high capacity observatory class mount that represents excellent value. From October we can demonstrate the software functionality of the L series via our own L-350 mount via our remote hosted demonstration system located at e-Eye in Spain.
Price includes delivery. As with all products supplied by Astrograph, we are happy to offer installation and setup advice including full installation if required. Please ask for details