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Manufactured in Germany, Astronomik filters have gained a reputation for fine quality visual and imaging filters for astronomical applications. Astronomik are also an innovator being responsible for the introduction of clip filters for DSLR's and have pioneered the use of ultra thin filters for reducing aberrations in ultra high speed optical systems.

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1 - 48 of 49 results

Astronomik Pro Planet 742 1.25"

£45.00 *
In stock
can be shipped within 1-2 days

Astronomik Pro Planet 807 1.25"

£45.00 *
In stock
can be shipped within 1-2 days

SALE Astronomik Pro Planet 807 1.25" SALE EX DISPLAY CLEARANCE

£37.00 *
Normal Price £45.00
You save £8.00
In stock
can be shipped within 1-2 days

Astronomik 1.25" Deep Sky RGB Filter Set

£242.00 *

can be shipped within 3-5 days

Astronomik 1.25" Ha-CCD 6nm

£179.00 *

can be shipped within 2-5 days

Astronomik 1.25" LRGB Filter Set

£242.00 *

can be shipped within 5-7 days

Astronomik 1.25" OIII-CCD 6nm

£179.00 *

can be shipped within 2-5 days

Astronomik 1.25" SII-CCD 6nm

£179.00 *

can be shipped within 2-5 days

Astronomik 2" CLS

£143.00 *
In stock
can be shipped within 1-2 days


£119.00 *
Normal Price £139.00
You save £20.00
In stock
can be shipped within 1-2 days

Astronomik 2" CLS-CCD

£179.00 *
In stock
can be shipped within 1-2 days

Astronomik 2" Ha-CCD 6nm

£421.00 *

can be shipped within 2-5 days

Astronomik 2" OIII-CCD 6nm

£421.00 *

can be shipped within 2-5 days

Astronomik 2" SII-CCD 6nm

£421.00 *

can be shipped within 2-5 days

Astronomik 2" L2 UV/IR Cut Filter

£90.00 *
Not in stock

Astronomik 31mm CLS-CCD Filter

£85.00 *
In stock
can be shipped within 1-2 days

Astronomik 31mm Ha-CCD 6nm

£224.00 *

can be shipped within 2-5 days

Astronomik 31mm L2 Luminance Filter

£62.00 *
Not in stock

Astronomik 31mm OIII-CCD 6nm

£224.00 *

can be shipped within 2-5 days

Astronomik 31mm SII-CCD 6nm

£224.00 *

can be shipped within 2-5 days

Astronomik 36mm Ha-CCD 6nm

£269.00 *
In stock
can be shipped within 1-2 days

Astronomik 36mm OIII-CCD 6nm

£269.00 *
In stock
can be shipped within 1-2 days

Astronomik 36mm SII-CCD 6nm

£269.00 *
Not in stock

Astronomik 50mm Ha-CCD 6nm

£430.00 *

can be shipped within 2-5 days

Astronomik 50mm OIII-CCD 6nm

£430.00 *

can be shipped within 2-5 days

Astronomik 50mm Deep Sky RGB Filter Set

£539.00 *

can be shipped within 3-5 days

Astronomik 50mm SII-CCD 6nm

£430.00 *

can be shipped within 2-5 days

Astronomik 50mm x 50mm Ha-CCD 6nm

£449.00 *

can be shipped within 2-5 days

Astronomik 50mm x 50mm Deep Sky RGB Filter Set

£628.00 *

can be shipped within 3-5 days

Astronomik 50mm x 50mm OIII-CCD 6nm

£448.00 *

can be shipped within 2-5 days

Astronomik 50mm x 50mm SII-CCD 6nm

£448.00 *

can be shipped within 2-5 days

Astronomik 52mm Custom CLS

£144.00 *
Not in stock

Astronomik CLS (not IR blocked) EOS Clip

£125.00 *
In stock
can be shipped within 1-2 days

Astronomik CLS (not IR blocked) EOS XL Clip

£161.00 *
In stock
can be shipped within 1-2 days

Astronomik H-Alpha-CCD 6nm EOS Clip

£269.00 *
In stock
can be shipped within 1-2 days

Astronomik L-2 UV/IR EOS Clip

£98.00 *
In stock
can be shipped within 1-2 days

Astronomik OIII 1.25"

£89.00 *
Not in stock

Astronomik OIII-CCD 6nm EOS Clip

£269.00 *
In stock
can be shipped within 1-2 days

Astronomik OWB-CCD EOS Clip

£116.00 *
Not in stock

Astronomik Pro Planet 642BP 1.25"

£59.00 *
Not in stock

Astronomik SII-CCD 6nm EOS Clip

£269.00 *
In stock
can be shipped within 1-2 days

Astronomik UHC 1.25"

£89.00 *
Not in stock

Astronomik 36mm CLS-CCD

£129.00 *
In stock
can be shipped within 1-2 days
Prices includes VAT, plus delivery
1 - 48 of 49 results